It shouldn’t be hard to answer the call of the wild, to become fully immersed in the outdoors and be prepared for whatever nature throws at you. Here at Ace Camp, our mission is to deliver outdoor enthusiasts the gear that becomes the catalyst that gets you out there.The experience is everything, and we’re here to make it easier for you to have those unforgettable adventures.
We understand that it’s essential to trust your equipment. Quality has been our number-one priority since Ace Camp was established internationally in 2000. Since that time, we’ve been manufacturing high-quality products for reasonable prices for a broad range of outdoor activities. With over 200 products in our line of camping equipment and emergency preparedness gear, we outfit customers around the world for adventures close to home or far-away. Even when roughing it, certain necessities can elevate a decent outing to the trip of a lifetime.
In 2012 we moved operations to the outdoor mecca of Salt Lake City as a base to pioneer new products and better serve the American market. Our state of the art facility guarantees that you get your order fast and on time. Now all you have to worry about is which adventure you’re planning on next.

Nice quality, but it’s a little short on the arms though
The poncho is great and durable! I definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a lightweight,durable poncho. It is large enough to cover me and my backpack.
I used my rain poncho to feed my rabbits in the rain. It got caught on the cage wire several times and it didn't tear or pull. I stayed dry and I could put a jacket under it so I stayed warm as well! I'm very happy with my purchase.
It's nice and sturdy so far. Have used it during 3 rain storms and it holds. I use it while riding my bike and it has worked out great for me.
High quality! Big enough to wear a thick jacket underneath. Keep the water out. Recommend it!
Fabric is flexible! The color is bright, so hopefully people will see me in the rain.
This was an awesome buy. I was going camping and thought I would get this just in case. I would recommend this, when I needed it, it covered me very well. I was dry, I was able to move and it was made well enough to go hiking and take pictures the rest of the day. I could cover my camera bag and keep that dry also. I love it.
This raincoat covers you completely which I like. Instead of using umbrellas which are useless on very windy days. I also like that it covers my backpack protecting it from getting wet. Overall I think it is well made.